Bringing the technical and didactical perspective together in the design and development of a Moodle App within the FRAME (Framework for the Rational Analysis of Mobile Education) model

Porumb, Ioana and Tardini, Stefano and Bergamin, Per and Picco-Schwendener, Anna (2013) Bringing the technical and didactical perspective together in the design and development of a Moodle App within the FRAME (Framework for the Rational Analysis of Mobile Education) model. In: 2nd Moodle Research Conference (MRC2013), 4th and 5th October, 2013, Sousse, Tunisia.

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The fast pace with which new technologies, like smartphones and tablet computers, have been adopted in the last years since their appearance, has created a didactical gap on the side of the educational institutions. This gap is also created by the fact that design and development of mobile applications in educational institutions has been mostly technology driven and not merely enough didactically driven. Schools need scenarios that allow them to integrate the increasing informal and non-intentional learning activities that are taking place with the help of these technologies into their curricula. The mobile learning devices have become one of the most prominent interfaces with which learners interact with their learning tasks. This interaction with information is mediated trough technology and as such, the design and development of applications that aim to support these scenarios need a framework that takes into account the main three aspects of mobile learning: the device, the learner, the social aspect. As mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are used as satellites for the main learning device and are not meant to replace it, we speculate that a Moodle App should implement only some of the activities that are possible in Moodle. The App that we designed and developed sets out to be one implementation that fits to all frontends and implements a limited set of activities. As an outlook we propose further research and development on the mobile aspects of Moodle with the focus on personalisation aspects and extending the service by implementing functions that support the main activity in the learning context of the users on mobile devices, which is reading.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mobile learning, Moodle App, FRAME, e-reading
Subjects: Educational technology > Mobile learning
Depositing User: Dr Michael de Raadt
Date Deposited: 12 Oct 2015 23:04
Last Modified: 12 Oct 2015 23:04

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