Организация внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы студентов по дисциплине «Биологическая физика» с использованием системы управления обучением Moodle (Setting Up Extracurricular Independent Student Work on the Discipline of Biological Physics with the Application of Moodle Teaching Management System)

Golenova, I.A. and Sinkov, G.G. (2017) Организация внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы студентов по дисциплине «Биологическая физика» с использованием системы управления обучением Moodle (Setting Up Extracurricular Independent Student Work on the Discipline of Biological Physics with the Application of Moodle Teaching Management System). Веснік ВДУ, 4 (97). pp. 113-119.

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The experience of setting up extracurricular independent student work on the discipline of Biological Physics with the application of Moodle Teaching Management System is described in the article. New innovation opportunities of computer teaching make it possible to increase the efficiency of student training in laboratory and practical classes, favorably influence shaping professional competences, provide continuity in teaching. The purpose of the article is to consider advantages of setting up extracurricular independent student work with the application of computer academic complex of Biological Physics which is worked out in Moodle system. Material and methods. Testing andanalytical and experimental studies of the computer academic complex of Biological Physics introduction results were done in the process of teaching first year Pharmacy students of Vitebsk State Medical University from 2014 to 2016.340 students participated in the research. A combination of theoretical and empiric study methods were used in the research: theoretical analysis and synthesis of empiric data, questionnaires, interviews, teaching experience generalization,statistic and mathematical methods, pedagogical experiment. Findings and their discussion.Issues of the development and introduction of the modernized computer academic complex of Biological Physics into the academic process are considered in the article. Attention is drawn to the provision of compatibility of this complex not only with personal computers but also with mobile devices. New functional possibilities for the improvement of the efficiency of studying Biological Physics through intensification of extracurricular independent student work are described. Findings of a pedagogical experiment, which testify to the fact that application of Moodle in the academic process makes it possible to efficiently set up student independent work and facilitates shaping competencies, i.e. satisfies the requirements of the contemporary educational standard, provides the creation of individual academic trajectories, improves the efficiency of the academic process, are described. Conclusion.The computer academic complex of Biological Physics, which is worked out with the application of Moodle Teaching Management System, makes it possible to efficiently set up extracurricular independent student work and improve the level of their training. Key words:Computer Teaching Management Complex, Moodle Teaching Management System, independent extracurricular student work, Biological Physics.

Item Type: Article
Depositing User: Elizabeth Dalton
Date Deposited: 16 Dec 2019 23:40
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2019 23:40

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