Moodle as a Support for Academic Development - Experience of Doctoral Students

Petrović, Dina (2018) Moodle as a Support for Academic Development - Experience of Doctoral Students. Conference proceedings of »eLearning and Software for Education« (eLSE), 1 (14). pp. 195-202.

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During the last decades, as a result of the intensive development of digital technologies, significant changes have occurred in the field of higher education. The implementation of digital tools in the education process of future academics conditioned the development of a new learning culture based on the the theory of connectivism. The wave of changes in university education is increasingly present at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, a renowned institution for the education of young people in the field of language, literature and culture. One of the leading changes is the introduction of the Moodle platform, which, as an online open source platform, offers a variety of content for communication, learning, organization and thus provides significant support to the educational process for future members of the academic community. Moodle is a very popular e-learning software that can be used to create online dynamic applications that develop an active and creative approach to educational activities, which is particularly significant for the doctoral academic studies. Accordingly, the main objective of this paper is to examine the opinions of PhD students on the use of the Moodle Platform for educational activities. The research tasks include questions related to the level of studies when Moodle is used, the length of time, the purpose of use, and the type of downloaded materials. For the purpose of the research, a questionnaire was used, with open and closed type questions. The sample of the research was deliberately chosen, comprized of doctoral students at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, who were using Moodle during their academic studies. The research data were processed using a qualitative and quantitative method, using standard statistical procedures. The results of the research indicate that students recognize the role of this platform in their own academic development.

Item Type: Article
Depositing User: Elizabeth Dalton
Date Deposited: 16 Dec 2019 23:40
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2019 23:40

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